Tuesday, May 26, 2020
How To Select Essay Topics
How To Select Essay TopicsWriting essay topics is one of the most important aspects of an assignment. Whether it is for college, graduate school, or high school, you will be expected to write a substantial topic of your own for the exam.In general, courses are divided into a number of different categories that include the usual subjects like English, Math, or Sciences. These categories are then broken down into subcategories such as literary composition, history, or political science. Then, each of these subcategories are further broken down into the general topics like Character and Biography. You can also break your assignments down further to certain topics such as Sport, Literature, Philosophy, and of course Science.In general, you will be given a topic or two in which you are expected to delve into in the courses you have chosen to pursue. For example, in English, you might choose 'Literature and Language' to be the main topic of your assignment.As you may imagine, there are som e essay topics that will take up a lot of your time in the course you have chosen. The major topics that you will have to tackle are those relating to your own particular area of interest. For example, if you are studying History and Culture, you will be required to have a general topic on the history of that specific area.For instance, you can start by choosing History and Culture as your general topic and then by digging deeper into that particular geographic area of interest. In other words, if you want to get more information about how certain historical events happened, you can begin by delving into the current events in that particular area. From there, you can find out about what actually happened, and even what lessons were learned.For example, you might choose Reading as your general topic and go deeper into that particular geographic area by delving into the reading historyof that particular area. As you can see, you need to carefully select the proper essay topic, and it is important that you do so with this in mind.Your general topic in the course you are enrolled in should make up only a small portion of your essay topics. Choose topics that will interest you and that will be relevant to the classes you are taking.
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Essay on Edwin Arlington Robinsons the Mill - 870 Words
Lucius Beebe critically analyzes Edwin Arlington Robinsons, The Mill best. Beebes analysis is from an objective point of view. He points out to the reader that what seems so obvious may not be. She notes The Mill is just a sad little tale of double suicide brought on by the encroachment of the modern world and by personal loss. Thus meaning The Mill carries a deeper underlying theme. Lucius Beebe expresses that a minor overflow of significant details has been exposed over Edwin Arlington Robinsons The Mill, much of it concerned with whether the millers wife did indeed drown herself after the miller had hanged himself. Another, even more provocative question has never been asked: did the Miller actually hang himself? Beebe†¦show more content†¦Thus, Lucius Beebe points out that Robinson sets up the stanza as a sort of verbal chandelier, with one clause hanging upon the meaning and mode of that before, and with the framework of past perfect verbs giving definition and ton e to the whole. Robinson achieves much the same effect in the second stanza, which opens with the millers wife sick with a fear that had no form, which implies that the fear has a continuation in the past. Beebe implies that a certain poetic inertia militates against supposing change, and much more is needed to indicate or certify such change than exists. This hypothesis is reinforced by the rest of the stanza, a single sentence formed by a pair of past conditional clauses. What he had meant, as direct object, parallels What else there was, as subject, forming a nice balance of speculation within the triple-layered clause. This is continued within the second clause by what was hanging from a beam, forming a seesaw of supposition that is given another push by the predicate Would not have heeded, another past conditional verb. Beebe suggests that this back and forth structure intensifies the pervasive aura of speculation that surrounds all we know of the millers wife so far. This ongoing verbal balancing act also underscores the connotative probability ofShow MoreRelated Edwin Arlington Robinson’s The Mill Essay863 Words  | 4 PagesEdwin Arlington Robinson’s The Mill Lucius Beebe critically analyzes Edwin Arlington Robinson’s, The Mill best. Beebe’s analysis is from an objective point of view. He points out to the reader that what seems so obvious may not be. She notes â€Å"The Mill is just a sad little tale of double suicide brought on by the encroachment of the modern world and by personal loss.†Thus meaning The Mill carries a deeper underlying theme. Lucius Beebe expresses that a minor overflow of significant details hasRead MoreBrief Book Summaries on Various Well Known Classic Novels Essay3043 Words  | 13 Pages 6. ) They replaced employees with no problem or consideration of how long they have been there. #10 Edwin Arlington Robinson Richard Cory Richard Cory is about a man who appears to have everything that a person would want. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Climate Change Is Happening, Humans Are Causing It, I Think
Climate change is happening, humans are causing it, I think this is perhaps the most serious environmental issue we are facing right now. Climate change is not just the issue for a human it is also affecting the life of animals. In this recent year, it has been the major concern for some of the world leaders. The formal president of United State has put a restriction on oil drilling in the Atlantic Ocean because the oil that spills in water when drilling is harder to clean and it is affecting the life of animals living there. the government of Bhutan, one the small nation in south Asia, they are working on making the country carbon negative. likewise, in this paper, I will demonstrate how climate change is affecting our lives and what we†¦show more content†¦We do need military but at the same time, we need to focus on climate change because it is increasing rapidly. It will not only affect our lives but also affect the life of our future generation. We need to make an earth safe place to live in for our future generation. Wike did the surveyed to find out which country are more worried and working to prevent climate change, the result is surprising. The country with higher carbon emissions per capita are least concerned about the matter, United State of America, China, Canada, Russia are among those nations. I had recently read in some newspaper that some city in China had to stop all the transportation and industries for twenty-four hours because of the intolerable air pollution. In this article why are climate change Docs so boring? Because it works. By Sarah Kollmorgen, they give some example of how the documentary and movie about climate change has a positive impact on the environment. The huge number of viewer show that people are concern about climate change. after watching this kind of documentary people will take a moment and think about how to prevent climate change. they give the example in this article television series on climate change, years of living Dangerously (2014). The cinematically stunning series is rife with celebrities: the first episode opens with Harrison Ford, who is sent to prowl around theShow MoreRelatedClimate Change : Causes And Effects934 Words  | 4 Pages Climate Change Paper Kaitlyn Yinger 4-17-15 Erin Reese Biology 122: 10:30-12:45 Climate Change What really causes climate change? Is it human cause or is a natural process that is happening? I think that us as humans contribute more to climate change then natural causes. Human Causes Humans affect climate change in different ways, three main ways that humans caused climate change is deforestation, greenhouse gases and Agriculture. 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Climate change is a natural phenomenon with many factors that contribute to it. We humans are one of those factors. Sure, we can do many things in our daily lives to hopefully lessen our footprint. But really, will all this add up to be enough? In the here and now I would argue no. The ugly side of climate change is very much alive right now, and it is only going to continue to get much worse. I think it would be best if
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Osteoporosis Intervention Program for the Elderly
Question: Discuss about theOsteoporosis Intervention Program for the Elderly. Answer: Introduction Osteoporosis is a big public health issue worldwide. It is a medical condition caused by degeneration of bones in the body, the bones are characterised by being slender and are prone to fractures. These fractures can lead to other problems like pain, changes in the body posture, (Pisani et al., 2016). The burden of cost of osteoporotic management is high considering the continuous rise in the population and increase in the life expectancy of the people, (Holryod et al., 2008). The disease affects the quality of life immensely and hinders the physical, mental status and the well being of the individuals, (Lips Schoolar, 2005). Clinical diagnosis is characterised by bone mineral density of 2.5 standard deviations, (Nguyan, 2016). Worldwide over 200 million are affected by osteoporosis. In Singapore and the larger Asia region, osteoporosis is a rising public health concern which its prevalence is rising daily. Population at risk in Singapore women before age 45 are at high risk while men and women above 65 are at risk of osteoporosis, however women are prone by 20% than men, (MOH, 2017). In Singapore the hip fracture ration incidence has increased 1.5 times in men than in women, a similar trend observed in various countries. Mortality rates associated with hip fracture is estimated to be between 20 %- 27 %. This high ratio has caused significant cost on health care cost of the average Singapore citizen, (MoH, 2017). High costs of osteoporosis is associated with hospital care in Singapore, thus better financial management skills for the elderly enables preventive and proactive measures, (Ng, Lau, Ko, 2017)) The objectives of the intervention are; To raise the awareness level of risks associated with osteoporosis among the elderly. To provide a nutrition intervention approach for managing and preventing osteoporosis To provide support for the osteoporotic patients in the community. Background Old age is a blessing and a curse in disguise. With old age there several physiological changes that happen to the body and needs medical interventions. According to World Health Organisation, incidences of osteoporosis increases with old age. 8 % of the population aged between 60-69 years have developed osteoporosis and 25% further to those between 70-79 years and 48% for those 80 years or older. Women are more at risk for osteoporosis as they lose more bone mass after menopause. Women after the age of 45 are at greater risk. In general men and women above 65 years are at high risk of getting osteoporosis Osteoporosis has been identified by the ministry of health in Singapore and given priority for implementation of care. The importance of osteoporosis is the increased risks of fractures among patients with the disease. Often this fracture requires medication and consequent hospitalization, which lead decreased quality of life and may require long term care. In Singapore, fractures of the hip associated with osteoporosis are 30% who are semi dependant, causing major financial, medical and social constraints to the patient. The ministry of health clinical practice guidelines on osteoporosis was first published in year 2002, has been forming the framework for provision of care for the elderly and those at risk for osteoporosis and fractures. The content has served the best purpose in it being a guideline for management and prevention. The target group for this health intervention program will be elderly above 65 years hospitalized. The elderly population with osteoporosis continues to increase in Singapore due to rapid growth of population and improved quality of care among the elderly, (Tan, Low Shen De, 2015). Osteoporosis is characterised by decreased bone mass and structural differing of the bone tissue. The target group for this intervention will be sourced for the hospital, set up. The intervention will target the elderly who have been admitted in one of the major hospitals in Singapore, Alexandra Hospital, and Queen town in the Central region of Singapore. Rationale of the Intervention Osteoporosis is major old age disease which needs urgent intervention. Statistics show that 1 in 3 women over the age of 50 will experience osteoporotic fractures and 1 in 5 men will be a victim, (Ruby Rebecca, 2005). Approximately 75% of hip, spine and distal foreman fractures occur among older persons aged 65 years old and over. By the year 2050, worldwide incidences of hip fracture in men is expected to increase by 310 % while 240% in women, (Judith Sari, 2011). The ageing population in Singapore is increasing rapidly; the older persons incidence rate in 1 in five residents will have developed fractures at a rate of 1.5 times in men and 5 times in women, (Bee Chandran, 2014). Treatment costs for osteoporosis are high with estimates of hospitalisation cost of S$10,555, thus signifying high economic burden and treatment medications are comparatively high, which burdens the patient from attending Medicare and thus increase the risk of mortality, (Lee Lim, 2008). With this knowled ge, the health care cost associated with the elderly is expected to rise concurrently with the rise in the life expectancy, (Kim, Lee, Kim Lee, 2016) thus the need for an effective intervention to manage it. Lifestyle Management Intervention A lifestyle management based approach will be used for this study. A dietary and environmental based will be used in this study. The intervention will be geared towards improving the health status of the community especially older adults at Alexandria medical facility. There is sufficient evidence linking bone mass modulation by changing and modifying the lifestyle habits of the populations at the early ages increase the skeletal maturity. Nutrition Based Approach Calcium rich diet should be emphasized in diets is evident. Increased calcium intake among the elderly will be able to prevent further depletion of the bone density mass thus reducing the effect of the diseases later. Calcium not exceeds 1000 mg per day. Intake of calcium rich diet is crucial; they include milk, dried milk, yoghurt, ice cream and assorted fruits and vegetables. Vitamin D is crucial in the management of osteoporosis for absorption of calcium. An adult over 50 yers needs 1200 mg of calcium on a daily basis. It is obtained through the sunlight or through the diet or supplements, (Dawson et al., 1997, Lips et al., 196). Exercises Studies and sufficient evidence suggest that women with osteoporosis who practise exercise have improved muscles and postural stability and increased density in the bone, (Shea et al., 2004, Englund et al., 2005). The exercises have shown beneficial effects on the well being, improved muscular strength strength and posture of the older adults. Excess exercises should be minimised as they can be detrimental to the health state of the patient. Implementation of the Project Hospital visitation will be initiated with the elderly patients identified through the admission entry of the hospital. The intervention will target both their care takers and the elderly themselves. Care full designed information pamphlets will be used. The pamphlets will have what it pertains osteoporosis, which can be at risk, healthier foods to be consumed and day and venue where screening activity will be carried out. Promoting healthy living through, healthy activities like, increasing physical exercise, maintenance of healthy weight gain and eating a healthy and a balanced diet. The patients who are ready to be discharged will be targeted for focus groups whereby question and answer session will take place hereby it will be question and answer time assisting the elderly in understand the basic concepts of osteoporosis and how it is useful to them. The sessions will be delivered in the social halls of the facility this is the place where patients who can be mobile normally come to rest. Stakeholders Community health workers will also be engaged in the program. Community health worker in the community health centre or in the community will be involved as they understand how the community function other stakeholders will involve geriatricians in the facility, physiotherapists, dieticians and patient representatives at the hospital. The hospital staff will be key in implementation of this program as they form the entry into the care center, thus the need for building comprehensive teamwork and approach. Also the hospitalised obtained their through hospital provision thus working with the facility is key towards assessing the diet the elderly receive in relation to osteoporosis risks. Resources Needed For effective implementation of the program there is need to identify and locate the resources. Promotional items will be made available, informational brochures human resource personnel, communication equipment and posters. Evaluation Evaluation of the program will be done based on the objectives set. Follow ups visits of the older patients in the acute centre will be done upon discharge to assess whether they are practicing or not. It is expected that after the intervention, there will be a behaviour change in terms of nutrition and physical activity interventions. Recognition of the risk should enable them to adopt behaviour change towards improved nutritional intake in relation to osteoporosis. The work is anticipated to be expanded upon rolling out the initial phase and doing critical evaluation and correcting any hindrance that might have been observed and encountered in the implementation phase. Conclusion In implementation of this intervention care will be keenly observed on how information will be disseminated, as older adults have cognitive impaired abilities, thus educating them needs a lot of patients which must be utilised. It is anticipated that there will be a behaviour change among the older adults due to the perceived danger of osteoporosis. References Bee, C. S., Chandran, M. (2014). A Review of the 2008 Singapore Ministry of Health Clinical Practice Guidelines on Osteoporosis and an Update. Journal of the ASEAN Federation of Endocrine Societies, 27(2), 159. Committee on Ageing Issues: Report on Aging Population. 2006. 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