Saturday, August 31, 2019
After Effects of the World War 2 on Civilians Essay
September 1, 1939, a day that would change the world forever. With this day, the world entered the nuclear age. It was the start of World War 2. Invasions and massive attacks were everywhere and every country was desperate to introduce itself as a powerful war machine that can take over the world. This war lasted six years, killing more people and destroying more properties than any other war in the history. Few of the probable reasons that caused the nuclear bombs to explode were the hatred between communism and fascism system. This age witnessed the collapse of democracy and the rise of dictatorship in certain countries. All the countries that came out of World War 1 were deep in debt. Their economies went upside down. Amongst these complications, there were millions of problems faced by the ordinary people or the war victims. The people were not sure whether to step out of their houses even after thinking a thousand times. Their extra-ambitious leaders used to vow that their sacrifices will lead them to a brighter tomorrow but every second, they feared, that tomorrow might not come. Storing eatables, water, hiding in basements for weeks and months and so onâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ was even worse than survival in hell. Watching others instantly turning into ashes or looking at the torn up bodies of the loved ones would make one feel as if to kill one’s own self. After a terrifying physical war the civilians went through the torturing mental effects. They stood helpless, miserable as if they are bodies with no souls in them. The babies born were deformed. People were the victims of several diseases such as vomiting, fever, aches etc. their houses had been crushed down. People stood at a point, where they had no hope of getting rescued as their governments had forgotten them. They had no clothes, food, shelter or any such thing that could enable their survival. Sitting lost and waiting for death had been their hobby for years and years. These people went through a horrible time that nobody can ever think of and the obstacles they faced cannot be imagined. I personally feel that these nuclear bombs and nuclear technology is the greatest enemy of humanity. Its use is a challenge to mankind. Either we use it for blasts and destruction of our very own mother earth or we use it to produce electricity. In fact, producing electricity through nuclear power stations costs less. It would even not require the burning of oil and gas. The decision is up to us!
Friday, August 30, 2019
The Buddhist Concepts of Rebirth and Release
Buddhism begins and ends with Buddha’s enlightenment experience, for this the ultimate source of Buddhist teachings and there are a mean towards moral and spititual development culminating in a Buddha like experience. At his enlightenment, the Buddha gained direct knowledge of rebirth, karma, and the four holy truths (Harvey, 1990, p. 32).In the first public teaching (known as the â€Å"turning of the wheel of dharma†) Siddhartha Gautam, the historical Buddha is said to have set out the fundamentals of Buddhist doctrine and practice and then proceeded to outline the four noble truths- the kernels of Buddhist doctrine which are duhkha, trsna, nirvana and the way to achieve nirvana. Birth, old age, sickness and death which give duhkha (sadness) are unsatisfactory, and the cause of this unsatisfatoriness gives rise to craving (trsna). End to this unsatisfactory state of mind can be achieved through nirvana.The eight steps to the path of nirvana involve the development of a ppropriate view, intention, speech, action, livelihood, effort, mindfulness and finally appropriate meditative concentration. This Buddhist doctrine constitutes the essence of the Buddhist world view and provides the basis and context of all subsequent Buddhist philosophical reflection (King, 1999, p. 76). After six years of meditation, Buddha attained spiritual enlightenment or nirvana. Budha preached for forty five years and died at the age of ninety years.Buddhist enlightenment is related to the attainment of the five supernatural powers, but their attainment is not, the Buddha concluded, in itself the realisation of enlightenment (Iizuka, 1995, p. 151). The action and interest of those who attain nirvana are completely detached from all images and sound. However, internally the mind is in a condition of most intense activity. Since the person has reached the fullest stretch of his mental and spiritual capacity, and at a level of highest transcendental consciousness, he is infini tely at peace with himself (Iizuka, 153).According to Buddha, duhkha happens everywhere all the time because nothing is perfect in this world. Every life has the kamma (force) from the person’s previous lives, and being reborn means that everyone always suffers from the force of their previous lives. This means no life is perfect and only when people have reached nirvana will they be able to overcome duhkha. Duhkha according to Buddha is caused by selfishness and all our sufferings are caused by this selfishness. The ultimate goal of the people should be to break from this never ending cycle of rebirth.By stopping greed and selfishness, one can break out of the rebirth cycle, which brings perfect freedom in the form of nirvana (Penney, p. 14). The Buddhist believe that the ultimate goal of meditation is nirvana, liberation from samsara, liberation from the ever repeated cycle of death and rebirth conditioned by Karma, in which all deluded beings are caught up. The doctrine of rebirth formed an essential part of the world view which the Buddha inherited. Thus, the Buddha accepted that the goal of all spiritual striving was nirvana, release from rebirth.Consequently, he interpreted his own experience of enlightenment as the attainment of that goal (Bucknell, and Fox, 1983). Rebirth in Buddhism is seen both as a process which takes place after death, and also as a process taking place during life. This means, we are constantly changing during life, ‘reborn’ as a ‘different’ person according to our mood, the task we are involved in, or the people we are relating to. We may experience ‘heavenly’ or hellish state of mind depending on how we act.According to Buddhist philosophy, it is reasonable to suppose that this process of change, determined by the nature of our actions, does not abruptly stop at death, but carries on (Harvey, p. 45). Our present form and circumstances of life are part of an uninterrupted series of se parate existences that streak back into the distance past and will continue on into the interminable future. A constant and uninterrupted flow of beings living in the different stratified levels and passing on from one to another was the very essence of the world view called samsara.The schemes of things, rewards and punishments, human conditions in high or low states, all had their reasons for existence in this cosmic flux of inter-connected events and states. The conclusive evidence of Sakyamuni Buddha’s supreme enlightenment confirmed and endorsed the essential elements of the processes of samsara and rebirth (Cheetham, 1994, p. 9). Rebirth is a casual link between one life and the next, and not a soul reincarnating. Only a casual connection links one life to another, so our karmic accumulation conditions our next life.Contemplating rebirth helps us accept our own death without falling into the two extremes of eternalism or nihilism. The positive side of this rebirth conce pt is focussing an individual’s attention and energy to the present and make the most of one’s life. This constructive aspect of Buddhism while makes one realise about the transient nature of life, give them scope for improving the same to be able to rise to a higher realm (Halls, 2003, p. 54 ). The realm a being is born is determined by karma which is a ‘beings’ intentional actions of body, speech and mind, whatever is done, said or even just thought with intention or purpose.Though, rebirth in the lower realms is considered to be the result of relatively unwholesome or bad karma, rebirth in the higher realms is the result of relatively wholesome or good karma. Correspondingly, the lower the realm, the more unpleasant and unhappy is one’s condition; the higher the realm the more pleasant, happy, tranquil and refined one’s condition is. This rebirth hierarchy does not however constitute a simple ladder to climb and passing out at the top into nirvana or release.Nirvana or release may be obtained from any of the realms, from the human to the highest of the pure abodes and the four formless realms but not from the four lowest realms. Yet, rather than attaining nirvana or release, human beings generally rise and fall through the various realms which are precisely the nature of the samsara, i. e. wandering from life to life with no particular direction or purpose (Gethin, 1998, p. 119). The cycle of rebirth is thus seen as involving innumerable lives over vast stretches of time.If the cycle only involved human rebirths, it would have been difficult for a Buddhist to explain the population explosion. However, the cycle is seen to involve many other forms of life, such as animals so that readjustments between populations are made possible. This introduces the idea of different realms of rebirth. The first two of these realms are those of humans and animals kingdom. The latter includes sentient creatures as simple as insects. Plants are not included, although they are seen as having a very rudimentary consciousness, in the form of sensitivity to the touch.There are also realms of beings that are not normally visible, such as the realms of ‘petas’ or departed. As these are seen as having made of ‘subtle matters’, such a rebirth does not involve re-incarnation, that is getting a gross physical body again. In Buddhist painting of life cycle and rebirth, petas are seen as frustrated ghostly beings that frequent human world due to their strong earthly attachments (Harvey, 1990, p. 33). The Buddhist although believe in rebirth, do not accept that there is any substantial entity of self (atman) being reborn in this process.There is simply the process itself. Buddhist philosophical texts tend to represent rebirth using analogies of dynamic and ever changing processes, such as the flowing of a river or the flickering flame of a candle. Thus to talk about identity or the difference betwee n life in this Buddhist cycle of rebirth is inappropriate (King, 1999, p. 81). Nirvana is a difficult concept but traditional Buddhist understanding of Nirvana is quite clear. Literally nirvana means ‘blowing out’ or ‘extinguishing’, although Buddhist like to explain it as ‘the absence of craving’.When a being reaches a state of nirvana, the defilements of greed, hatred, and delusion no longer arise in his or her mind, since they have been thoroughly rooted out. Yet, like the Buddha, any person who attains nirvana does not remain thereafter forever absorbed in some transcendental state of mind. On the contrary, he or she continues to live in this world, with the difference that his thoughts and deeds are completely free of the motivations of greed, aversion and delusion and motivated instead entirely by generosity, friendliness and wisdom.This condition of extinguishing the defilement can be termed nirvana with the remainder of life. Eventually , the reminder of life, like all beings, such a person must die. But unlike other beings, who have not experienced nirvana, he or she will not be reborn into some new life. Instead of being reborn, the person attains parinirvanas, which means that the five aggregates of physical and mental phenomena that constitute a being cease to occur (Gethin, 1998, p. 75). Persons with various deluded mind will not attain nirvana or release and these views are called prapanca.When one gains insight into and realises the dharmakaya, which in effect is the noble truth of cessation with respect to any or all form of prapanca, or self view, one attains the Buddha nature. It is the theories of self and attachment to self that bind us. Buddha nature thought, like the rest of Buddhism, aims to release us from this bondage. The Dharmakaya or Buddha nature, as the truth of cessation represents the active releasing from bondage that constitutes the Buddha way. Hence Buddha nature is not a substantive enti ty, not a self mind, but the cessation of all self views (King, 1991, p.95). The Buddha’s noble eighth fold path to liberation from suffering emphasized practical discipline and direct experience to countermand the human tendency to theorize about spiritual life and reify rather than to encounter it directly. The eight member of the noble eighth-fold path termed â€Å"samyak Samadhi†consists of eight stages of meditative practices known as jhana in Pali, for the purpose of transcending individuated consciousness and leading to enlightenment or nirvana (Whicher, 1998, P. 313).One of the central images of Buddhism is that of crossing the ocean of samsara and arriving at the other shore of nirvana or enlightenment, which is journey from the troubling world to the world as Buddha land. In Buddhism, this path or crossing to nirvana is the most difficult one, and there is no guarantee of completion of this path. The ocean of life is full of turbulence and this turbulent nat ure of life’s ocean is an intimate function of our own intentions or karma which we create through actions motivated by our likings and disliking.Since these troubles are our own creation, we must undo the trouble as well. Buddhist salvation is not breaking away from the world but about freeing all things by undoing the dualistic knot of our karma and the stranglehold of our habitually held likes and dislikes (Hershock, 1999, p. 111). In Buddhism, denial of the reality of the self in man is called absolute anatta. The anatta doctrine of the Buddhist philosophy has been from early times a pillar of Buddha dogma, together with all pervading impermanence and suffering.This doctrine is consistently propounded by orthodox Buddhists as one of the most outstanding characteristics of their system. The anatta doctrine raises many questions such as the reality of the moral agent and the existence and nature of moral responsibility, the continuity of individuality in the rebirth cycle, the nature of kamma, and the way it works and the relation of nirbana to the individual who attain it. However, Buddha refuses to answer the question whether the liberated man exists or does not exist after death.However, most of the Buddhist text implies that the liberated man is the personification of all reality (Ramon, 1980, p. 1-2). To conclude, the essence of life according to Buddhism is karma. Karma is called the law of cause and effect, which means every action we undertake creates a cause that will have in some point of time- even in rebirth have an effect. Our bad action in life will bring negative results and good actions will be rewarded with positive results. This is the ethical way how karma operates. This will keep in check our negative traits, and help us behave mindfully.The wheels of life in Buddhism signify through different symbolism the causes for this cycle of rebirth. Three animals at the center of the wheel symbolises endless cycles of sufferings with one ne gative action causing the next. The pig depicts the erroneous perception about the world and cock signifies ignorance about our own existence, giving rise to craving, lust, and desire. The ultimate negativism arising out of wrong perception of life is hatred and anger, symbolised in the wheel in the form of snake.The picture of Buddha at the top let of the picture symbolises liberation from ignorance, desire and hatred which are causes of all our sufferings. Thus liberation of the soul can be realised by following Buddha path and the ultimate attainment of nirvana (Halls, 2003, p. 50). References Bucknell, R. S and Fox, M. X (1983) The ‘three knowledges’ of Buddhism: Implications of Buddhadasa's interpretation of rebirth, Religion, Volume 13, Issue 2, pp. 99-112 Cheetham, E (1994) Fundamentals of Mainstream Buddhism, Charles E Turtle company Inc, USAGethin, R (1998) The Foundations of Buddhism, Oxford University Press, NY Halls, G. F (2003) the Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Buddhist Wisdom, Octopus Publishing Groups Harvey, B. P (1990) An Introduction to Buddhism: Teachings, History and Practices, Cambridge University Press Hershock, P. D (1999) Reinventing the wheel: A Buddhist response to the information age, Sunny Series of Philosophy and Biology, Albany, State University of New York Press IIzuka, T (1995) The Quest for life: Zen in business and life, New York University Press.King, R (1999) Indian Philosophy: An introduction to Hindu and Buddhist Thought, Edinburg University Press King, S. B (1991) Buddha Nature, Albany State University of New York Press Penney, S (1995) Buddhism, Core edition, Heinmann Educational Publishers, P. 48 Ramon, J. P (1980) Self and non-self in early Buddhism, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, N. Y. Whicher, Y (1998) The Integrity of Yoga Darsana: A reconsideration of the classical yoga, Sun series in religious studies, Albany, State University of New York Press
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Links Between Criminality and Psysical Body Type Term Paper
Links Between Criminality and Psysical Body Type - Term Paper Example Links between criminality and physical body type Criminality was explained purely in moral and physical terms a couple of centuries before. However, in during the latter part of nineteenth century, criminologists, sociologists and psychologists started to develop more comprehensive theories with respect to criminality. The connection of physiology or physical body type with criminality was first proposed by Italian anthropologist Cesare Lomboso in 1876. â€Å"Lombroso started a tradition of physiological theories of criminality. These have in common a focus on the person’s physical form as a marker of criminality†(Sammons, n.d., p.1). Lomboso argued that criminals can be identified or distinguished from a mass population if we analyze the body shapes of people. In his opinion, strong jaws and heavy brows are signs of aggressiveness. Even though Cesare Lomboso’s theories were taken as a joke by many people initially, later his theories started to catch the attenti on of the people. According to modern researches, there are certain people with a particular body type who show more aggressive behaviors than others. â€Å"Lomboso suggested that different types of criminal had different features, so murderers had bloodshot eyes and curly hair, whilst sex offenders had thick lips and protruding ears†(Sammons, n.d., p.1). ... Lomboso believed that people with thick lip may show more sexual desire than other people because of their genetic peculiarities. Sheldon (1949) distinguished between three basic types of bodily build: ectomorph (thin), endomorph (fat) and mesomorph (muscular). Sheldon believed that bodily build was linked to personality and temperament so ectomorphs were solitary and restrained, endomorphs relaxed and hedonistic and mesomorphs energetic and adventurous (Sammons, n.d., p.1). Sheldon described the characteristics of different body types as follows: â€Å"Endomorphs- rounder, relaxed comfortable, extroverted; Mesomorphs- muscular, active, assertive, lust for power; Ectomorphs- lean, thin, introverted, overly sensitive, love privacy†(Regoli & Hewitt, 2008, p.93). Endomorphs are people with normal body structure. They don’t have any complaints about their body shape or appearance. Therefore they will behave normally in the society. These people would like to engage in more socializing activities because of their lack of concerns about their appearances. On the other hand, ectomorphs are not much satisfied with their physical appearances. They will always like to stay away from the eyes of the society because of their inferiority feeling in appearances. On the other hand, mesomorphs have strong body and they are proud of their body shape and strength. Over confidence about body shapes and physical strength may force mesomorphs to increase their dominating mentality towards others. They consider themselves as privileged people and all others as second class citizens. People with muscular body will definitely have more confidence in their physical abilities than other people. Genetically, all people like to dominate others. However, intelligence
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Hotel operation management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Hotel operation management - Essay Example The analysis of this report focuses on analyzing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats which the seaside hotel faces in the industry. The financial analysis of the three years reveals that the hotel has increased its performance from the first year to the second year. However, from the second years to the third year, there was a reasonable decline in the overall revenue of the hotel. During the third year, the hotel offered discounts to the customer which was not reflected on the sales of the hotel. Further, the third year witnessed stiff competition as the facilities and services of the rival hotels and resorts were ranked higher than that of seaside hotel. This led to a decline in the revenue. The strengths of the company lie in the ability to compete favorably in the industry while encroaching into new markets. As such, Sea side endeavors to undertake several strategies in year 4 which will see the development of the conference facilities which are more updated due to increased demand. The hotel also wished to expand their operations by application of successful and sufficient advertising mechanisms for their different sectors such as conference facilities, bar and restaurant. The purpose of this report is to provide an analysis of Seaside hotel using the financial data of three consecutive years to analyze it performance and trends. The hotel is a 3 star hotel, for this reason it is characterized by a restaurant, bar, small health club, conference facilities and business services. There is also ample car parking and grounds that many a times have brought revenues from the weddings. Over the last three years the hotel has really performed quiet well. The hotel has been able to survive in a competition intensive market and managed to develop more and more into a major hotel in the region. This section will analyze the performance of the hotel for the last three years. It will be guided by the financial analysis of
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Using the Plan & Process for Competitive Positioning Essay
Using the Plan & Process for Competitive Positioning - Essay Example The first pitfall involves an ineffective participative structure. Many HCOs make an inclusion of all the people in the organization during the implementation of a strategic plan. However, the top management does not really incorporate the views of other staff members. Therefore, they only have the other staff members physically, but there is a limitation in their participation. In other words, the HCOs do not consider an open communication during the implementation process. In addition, the other staff members feel they are left out in the decision making process and subsequently become discouraged in strategic planning implementation. In addition, the second pitfall is the achievement of a casual consensus rather than a real consensus. A consensus is an agreement reached after the consideration of various conflicting and attaining a compromise. Most HCOs achieve a casual consensus, meaning that after a successful agreement in the setting of goals and objectives, the top management usually implements their own objectives. This makes other employees feel neglected because after all their opinion does not count. The habit of a casual consensus affects most HCOs and has become a culture. The culture does no justice to the implementation of strategic plans; rather they slow the transition process. The first pitfall could be addressed using various techniques. The management of the HCOs could organize various groups of the employees and assign them different roles. This makes every group accountable for their responsibilities and every member must participate in the implementation of strategic planning (Moseley, 2009). The management could also appoint supervisors to monitor and give advice to the groups in the process of implementing the strategic plans. However, the management needs to define clearly the role of such individuals, failure to which
Monday, August 26, 2019
"Faith" Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
"Faith" - Essay Example I believe that Prophet Mohammad was a true messenger of Allah; I believe that prophet Mohammad was the final and the last prophet of Allah. The main reason why I believe that Prophet Mohammad was the final prophet of Allah was because Allah revealed to Mohammad the truth about himself; Mohammad was the messenger of Allah. I also believe in Quran as the holy book of Allah; I believe that Quran contains the messages of Allah as revealed to Allah’s prophet, Mohammad; I believe that Allah revealed his eternal message to Mohammad in its definitive form. The main reason why I believe that Quran contains the messages of Allah is because Allah himself gave the Quran to his prophet Mohammad. Besides Mohammad, I also believe in other prophets of Allah. As the Quran says, God sends his messengers in every human age to reveal to his people his will for them, â€Å"To all peoples and in all ages, God sent prophets or messengers to proclaim the Oneness of God and to warn humanity of the future judgment (Quran 10:47; 16:36)†. For that reason, I believe in Allah’s prophets such as Abraham, Noah, Moses, Elijah, Isaac, Joseph, Aaron, Solomon, Ezra, and Isa. I, however, believe that Mohammad was the greatest and the last prophet o Allah. I also do believe in angels messengers of Allah. I believe that Allah sends angels to his people on earth to reveal to them the messages of Allah. For example, Allah sent angel Gabriel, several times, to Prophet Mohammad to reveal to him the messages of Allah. I also believe that angels act as intermediaries and that they ask Allah to forgive the offences of his people (Quran 40:7). Also, I believe that when human beings die, their soul are received by angels who have kept a record of their actions, and the angels will witness for or against them on the day of judgement as the Quran notes (Quran 21: 203, 13: 24). My beliefs in angels are based on what is written in the Quran about angels. I also believe in the last day of
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Feasibility analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Feasibility analysis - Research Paper Example This will be in line with the company’s short term goals of achieving a presence in major states in the United States. The fitness centers will be noticeably labeled to make it easily recognizable (Goldsby, Kuratko and Bishop, p. 84). Then, the company will regularly market its products through the person selling, social media, company website and franchise marketing make the public aware of its presence. Besides body fitness services, the company has created different products that will emphasize on energy and water usage. The idea behind this product is to make the machines create their own energy source by ways of human interaction. This will be attained by attaching the alternator to the machines; therefore, as the individuals run on the machine, the spinning motion powers the alternator which finishes by powering a battery that fuels the machine’s energy source (Goldsby, Kuratko and Bishop, p. 87). As the company expands, they plan on bringing in industry leaders a nd experts into their company. The company will establish a cooperative relationship for high-end and meticulous products from the main manufacturing firms. To satisfy the customers, the company is able to ship products in various parts of the world. Additionally, there are no charges for handling products and the services will be filled once they are placed. The company strives to keep the clients satisfied. The company will strive to achieve profit maximization, revenue growth, customer satisfaction, long term growth, achieve sustainable brand awareness and reputation. Customer will be treated as the biggest asset in the business operations hence will always be at the center of the marketer and company’s thinking and planning process (Parnell, p. 316). The company will use economy approach, in which economies of scale are leveraged to bring the cheapest apparel to market and compete on cost alone as well as the mid-market approach where the brand allure and product quality are combined with economies of scale and labor efficiencies in order to keep prices in an affordable range for middle-class consumers. Moreover, EcoFitness will use the high-quality approach whereby product quality dominates and a brand premium is charged. Customers’ Prospect The company strives to keep the clients satisfied through provision of exceptional service and great purchasing experience, either online shopping or direct purchase in the department store. The fitness centers will be opened throughout the day and night to take care of all our customers at their appropriate time. Additionally, there will sales and offer discounts on special occasions and holidays (Tompkins, Russell and McDonald, p. 35). The company will entrench high level of quality, transparency in the market and a sustainable business that contributes to the welfare of the clients and the society. The company appreciates that the clients are the biggest assets of the company; therefore, will accord t he best quality products and services provision. Therefore, the company will try at all times to put the interests of their clients first. Service and Products Desirability The company’s services and products are new collections with new styles, which offer the latest trend in body fitness. Ecofitness offers a range of services and products that are not offered by other companies in the same field. EcoFitness offers a full service health and fitness club that leaves the clients yearning for more. The working team is
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Aircraft emergency response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Aircraft emergency response - Essay Example The planning processes should be interlinked to ensure that the company is able to take appropriate initial actions, and then continue managing the emergency crisis for an unspecified duration. Ultimately, the aim of comprehensive emergency response and crisis management planning is to minimize pain and suffering of all associated in the event of an accident in the airport premises or its immediate vicinity and to save human lives All airports authorities should have aircraft rescue and fire-fighting services and equipment, for procedures for handling aircraft fire emergencies, and for specialized vehicles used to perform these functions at airports, with particular emphasis on saving lives and reducing injuries coincident with aircraft fires following impact or aircraft ground fires. Everything that can be done to protect the health and life of the individual must have priority over maintaining aircraft equipment and facilities, however valuable these may be. Human life comes first; efforts to salvage aircraft, buildings or technical equipment are secondary. "If you are looking for perfect safety, you will do well to sit on a fence and watch the birds; but if you really wish to learn, you must mount a machine and become acquainted with its tricks by actual trial." Emergency response is a product of preparedness. ... Especially the first responders: fire, police, emergency medical service, and building safety professionals. Major accidents are being studied by many emergency response agencies to achieve workable response procedures using a specific set of guidelines applicable to each type of occurrence. As in nearly all countries, the guidelines and recommendations set out in Annex 14 of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) applies to fire fighting and rescue services. Planning for the crisis is the key to minimizing the harmful effects of aircraft accident. Every airport is categorized for rescue and fire safety purposes in accordance with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) guidelines, depending on the maximum total length and fuselage width of the aircraft normally used at the airport. Some of the regulatory requirements for international airport authorities and covered by the existing regulations include (Shantakumar 29): 1. The minimum number of vehicles and quantities of extinguishing agents, emergency equipment and the qualifications and training of personnel that must be made available by the airport operator; Aircraft emergency response 4 2. A three-minute response time for first-response vehicle(s) responding to an emergency at applicable airports; 3. A minimum of 90 per cent coverage of commercial aircraft conducting regular flights, and in addition, coverage of 100 per cent of all 20-passenger aircraft. 4. The presence of qualified personnel, trained who are able to deliver aircraft rescue and firefighting service at the airport during operating hours; 5. The annual testing of emergency services conducted, monitored and enforced to evaluate response times and confirm that the emergency services being
Friday, August 23, 2019
Historical or Contemporary Leader Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Historical or Contemporary Leader - Essay Example From the discussion it is clear that Gandhi should be regarded as a pioneer of using non violent method is the primary method in gaining independence as the majority of the leaders before him relied on violence. The possibility of improvement is assessed in the next paragraph. The vulnerabilities of Gandhi are also explored together with the manner in which he tried to overcome them. The paper also provides insight into what the author learned why studying the legacy of this prominent leader. The rest of the paper features application of Kouzes and Posner view of leadership to Gandhi’s experience. It is argued that he employed all exemplary methods of leadership. It is also argued that the best theory that can describe his leadership is transformational leadership theory and the relevant evidence is provided.This paper stresses that if one examines the life of Mahatma Gandhi, one will be able to see that he did not pay much attention to theoretical aspects of leadership. Th at is why he did not produce any comprehensive definition of it in writing. However, the way he interacted with his followers might be regarded as suitable way to explore what leadership meant to him. Thus, based on this observation, it is obvious that for Gandhi leadership was a unique relationship between people when one of them was directing the common efforts to achieve a particular goal. One should also keep in mind that leadership philosophy of this prominent individual consists of the following elements.
Assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4
Assessment - Essay Example The reliability of a subjective test is determined by the degree of its correctness and consistency in providing information regarding the examinee. A reliable test should yield identical results when run multiple times or when used with the same group of students because it is constant in its procedures and criteria. Reliable test results are stable and consistent (McMillan, 2008; Atherton, 2011). Validity is the ability of a test to measure the intended objective. The three types of validity are content, criterion and construct validity. Content validity is achieved if the content of the test matches the intended objectives. Criterion validity is determined by the capability of the test to relate to other external factors. Construct validity considers educational variables while predicting the test results (McMillan, 2008).An example of an objective test is: The reliability of a subjective test can be measured by giving the same test more than once or giving creating two forms of the same test with slight variations. The reliability of such test is measured by calculating the correlation of the consistency. Internal consistency is determined by correlating a half of the assessment with the remaining half. Reliability consistence ranges from 0 to 1.0 with 0 representing absence of reliability while 1 depicts perfect reliability. Test with a reliability coefficient of above 0.8 are considered to be standard while those with a coefficient below 0.5 are considered to be less reliable. Validity is measured by establishing if the test meets or measures the intended objective (McMillan, 2008; Atherton, 2011). Determining the reliability and validity of a test is important since it help in establishing accuracy of the grade obtained using such a test, if a test is valid and reliable the results obtained are considered a true depiction of the students’ level of understanding Formative assessment is used by the teachers or lecturers to obtain
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Single-Sex School and Co-Ed School Essay Example for Free
Single-Sex School and Co-Ed School Essay Girls are far more likely to thrive, get GCSEs and stay in education if they go to a single-sex school, according to new research, which reveals pupils who are struggling academically when they start secondary school reap the biggest rewards of girls-only schooling. The analysis of the GCSE scores of more than 700,000 girls taught in the state sector concludes that those at girls schools consistently made more progress than those in co-ed secondaries. The fact that pupils with the lowest test scores when they started secondary made the biggest leap in girls school will reopen the debate about whether more children should have access to a single-sex education in order to drive up results. The number of girls schools has dwindled in the state sector since the 1970s and has been dropping more recently among private schools, as more and more parents demand co-ed schools. Only 221,000 girls and 160,000 boys are now taught in state single sex secondaries out of a total school population of more than 3. 5 million. The research, conducted on behalf of the Good Schools Guide, looked at the contextually value added scores for every girl who took GCSEs in the state sector between 2005 and 2007. Grammar schools were excluded. The government introduced value added scores to rate the progress pupils make between the end of primary school and GCSEs taking into account their socio-economic backgrounds. Of the 71,286 girls who sat GCSEs in single-sex schools over the three-year period, on average all did better than predicted on the basis of their end of primary Sats results. By comparison, of the 647,942 who took exams in mixed-sex schools, 20% did worse than expected. In the value added score, in which a zero score indicates a child achieving the GCSE results expected on the basis of their Sats results at 11, the lowest 10% achievers who went to girls schools scored on average 17. Among the lowest 10% achievers in mixed schools that score was -10. It means girls who start secondary struggling with their work are more likely to get GCSEs and stay on at school to do A-levels. Janette Wallis, editor of the Good Schools Guide, said: A lot of parents will look at the benefits of co-ed schools, like the fact that girls and boys are educated side-by-side preparing them for the world of work and life. But to disregard this evidence would be a mistake. We never expected to see such a difference. She said the effect could be down to girls working better without boys distracting them but acknowledged the fact that educationally aspirant parents could seek out girls-only schools, which could also make a difference. Alice Sullivan, a researcher at the Institute of Education, University of London, and a specialist in single-sex schooling, said: It is very interesting that girls seem to be making more progress at single-sex schools. It does support a body of research evidenc e that girls do better in single-sex environments. However, other leading academics said the research was more conflicting. Alan Smithers, director of education at Buckingham University, said: We know across the piece that the main variables relating to exam success are pupil characteristics, social background and quality of teacher. There is very little space for gender in the classroom to make a difference. Where it apparently has an effect it relates to other factors, such as the aspirations of the parents who want their daughter educated in a single-sex school. But if this is true it will change our understanding. Sue Dunford, headteacher of Southfield School for Girls in Kettering, said: Its a question of confidence in the way girls develop. Its cool to be very good at anything in a girls school maths, sciences or physics. No one will ask why youre doing a boys subject. Girls who lack confidence can thrive more in girls-only schools. We dont have boys competing and distracting, so girls can really go for it.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Literature on natural disasters and climate change
Literature on natural disasters and climate change Natural disasters and global climate change Introduction The research topic is natural disasters and global climate change. Changes in climate not only affect average temperatures, but also extreme temperatures, increasing the likelihood of weather-related natural disasters. If global climate change causes the global average temperature to rise, there will be less cold weather, and a greater probability of hot and record hot weather. An increase in temperature variability will extend the extremes of temperature, both cold and hot. It is a globalization problem happened in all over the world. The global climate change and natural disasters have impacts on natural resources and the environment. The following three articles will give a more detail understanding of the natural disasters and global climate change. Article One Article: Climate change and natural disasters – integrating science and practice to protect health Authors: Rainer Sauerborn and Kristie Ebi Search Engine: Library resource Search Terms: Climate change natural disasters Reference: Sauerborn, R., Ebi, K. (2012, December 17). Climate change and natural disasters: integrating science and practice to protect health. Glob Health Action, p. Vol 5 Objectives of the authors: this article focuses on the hydro-meteorological disasters, and takes the report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) as a start point to explore on ‘Health and Health Systems Impact of Natural Disasters’. Based on Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disaster to Advance Climate Change Adaptation (SREX) and developing research to answer questions: if there are some types of extreme events become more frequent, severe, and longer in the past decades; the relative contribution of climate change to the various types of extreme events; how can the health community coordinate and cooperate with the climate and development communities to protect health during and after natural disasters (Sauerborn Ebi, 2012). And examine, to which extent climate change increase their frequency and intensity. Methods Theory: Based on the IPCC report, and review of IPCC-projections of climate-change related extreme weather events and related literature on health effects. The authors present the result that climate change is likely to increase the frequency, intensity, duration, and spatial distribution of a range of extreme weather events in the next decades. Summary of the article: In the article, authors start by clarify ‘natural disaster’ and lay out the conceptual framework. Sauerborn and Ebi state that human activities influence the frequency, intensity, duration, and spatial extent of some extreme weather and climate events, only the geophysical disasters have not been influenced by human action (Sauerborn Ebi, 2012). Authors look into the contribution of climate change to hydro-meteorological and climatological disasters and the health impacts of these events, and explore the reduction of climate change on both shorter and longer time scale. Sauerborn and Ebi also found the impacts of similar strength events in different regions have different consequences (Sauerborn Ebi, 2012). After answer the three questions above, the authors made a conclusion that there is a need for strengthened collaboration between climate scientists, the health researchers and policy-makers as well as the disaster community to jointly develo p adaptation strategies to protect human. Overall reaction: This article has a clear focus on the contribution of climate change to hydro-meteorological disaster, and gives concise information by answer some key point questions. Based on many reliable resources to explore the special volume, explain with clear tables, make the theory easily understand. Article Two Article: Climate-related natural disasters, economic growth, and armed civil conflict Authors: Drago Bergholt and PÃ ¤ivi Lujala Search Engine: list of references Search Terms: climate-related natural disasters Reference: Bergholt D, Lujala P. (2012). Climate-related natural disasters, economic growth, and armed civil conflict. Journal of Peace Research. 49 (1), 147-162. Objectives of the authors: In this article, authors highlight the climate change may be the most serious challenge we need faced in the future and explore the consequences of climate-induced natural disasters on economic growth with the econometric methods, authors also study on the impact of these disasters related to the onset of armed civil on economic growth by analysis the climate-related disasters affect economic growth and armed civil conflicts during the period 1980–2007(Bergholt Lujala, 2012). Methods Theory: The article begins by showing some example of natural disasters had happened, and these impacts for people and countries development. And the authors also state ‘global warming is expected to lead to an increase in both the severity and the frequency of climate-related disasters’ (Bergholt Lujala, 2012). The authors discuss the effect of climate-related disasters at the economic aspect with recent research. Then the authors present their hypotheses-‘H1: Climate-related disasters have a negative effect on economic growth; H2: negative income growth shocks caused by climate-related disasters increase the likelihood of armed civil conflict onset’ (Bergholt Lujala, 2012). Using Econometric methods with data help analysis the hypotheses, and with consideration on the variables, such as economic growth and armed civil conflict, only use the data during the period 1980-2007. The authors assess the results and found that ‘climate-related natura l disasters have a negative effect on growth and that the impact is considerable’ (Bergholt Lujala, 2012). This has two important implications: ‘if climate change increases the frequency or makes weather-related natural disasters more severe, it is an economic concern for countries susceptible to these types of hazards’ (Bergholt Lujala, 2012). Summary of the article: The article looks at climate change and natural disaster from the economic perspective, the main objective of this study is to investigate social impacts caused by different climate-related natural disasters. Discover the effects of hydro meteorological, climatological and geophysical events on economic growth in the short run. Article provides quantitative evidence of a negative causal effect on short-run economic growth form the number of people affected by climatic disasters. And prove the climate-related disasters change important factors for production and income, and reduce overall economic performance. Moreover, different from the studies of Collier Hoeffler (2004) and Miguel, Satyanath Sergenti (2004), authors found when the economic growth impact by the climatic factors, it does not systematically relate to armed civil conflict onset. Overallreaction: This article provides many data about the climate disasters and economic growth, and proves the climate-related disasters impact for the economic performance. However, after all the data collected, there is no evidence to prove the climate-related disasters lead to more armed conflicts. Article Three Chapter: Climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction: Key challenges and ways forward Book: Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction: An Asian Perspective Editors: Juan M. Pulhin, Rajib Shaw and Joy Jacqueline Pereira Search Engine: database Search Terms: Climate change global natural disasters Reference: Objectives of the authors: This book introduces the climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction in an Asian perspective. It focuses on community-based risk management, urban environmental management, human security, water community, risk communication, climate change adaptation, climate disaster resilience and community-based practices. The book connects academic research to the real examples, strengthen the relations between the environment, disaster and the community. It also provides specific guides to the demanding academic analysis with community practices and evidences. This chapter focuses on the key challenges and ways forward of the climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction. Methods Theory: This chapter claims that ‘Climate change is one of the major challenges confronting human society in the 21st century’ (Ericksen O’Brein, 2007; Adger, Lorenzoni, O’Brien, 2009). And with mounting evidence, without effective address, he regions sustainable development and poverty-reduction efforts would be seriously frustrate by climate change. Summary of the chapter: Climate change is one of the major challenges confronting human society in the 21st century (Ericksen O’Brein, 2007; Adger, Lorenzoni, O’Brien, 2009). Due to the climate change, many parts of Asia have been through serious natural disasters. It is also alter water shortages in many areas, which block the agricultural production, and threatening food security and energy supply from hydroelectric source. A number of issues and challenges have been identified and categorized into three general types: 1) differences in functional, spatial, and temporal scale; 2) mismatched regarding norms such as legislative, cultural, and behavioral norms; 3) knowledge mismatches. There are eight major strategies included to address the different issues and challenges: 1) integration of CCA and DRR concerns at various levels from national to local; 2) strong governance system at different levels; 3) improve information system and knowledge management; 4) apply int egrated assessment methods and tools; 5) ensure natural resources sustainability and resource rights; 6) build local resilience and reduce vulnerability; 7) advance innovative education and research and development initiatives; 8) secure adequate funding support. Overallreaction:authors analysis the key challenges and ways forward in the Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction. Explain and example every single point, detail but not intricacies. Conclusion Climate change is happening, it is one of the biggest challenges to development. The human actives influence the climate change, the climate change causes natural disasters. The most common one is global warming, people always link climate change with global warming, however, global warming is not the only consequence of the climate change. From the selected articles, we can find that climate change will also increase the frequency of extreme weather events occur. From the long-term trend, it will have a local climate change in each region. Indeed, many of the world’s extreme weather happened in these years, some astronomy, as well as El Nino, ocean circulation weather these have occurred. There are also many events in New Zealand, like the strong breeze, heavy snowfall. For the climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction, we should prepare the most fundamental preparation, reduce the damage made by human activities. Moreover, when there are some special natural disa ster that cannot reduce or block by human behavior, we need to understand how to response the emergency.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
The development of Women in India
The development of Women in India Dr. Raj Kumar acquired his Law degree from Delhi University and PhD from Kurukshetra University. He served Haryana Education Service from 1970 to 1973. He published a 7 volume series on Women and Indian Freedom Struggle and 15 volume series on Women, Society and Culture. He has contributed a number of articles in historical journals and commemoration volumes. He, justifiably, edited the present work of various scholars which provides a panoramic survey of women studies, based on latest research. He scrutinizes the status of women in India during Vedic times-a period of golden era for women and Brahmanic times. He mentioned the factors affecting the female psyche along with womens self-concept developed by Mohan (1988), which revolves around the confidence that woman is a weaker gender and her weakness can be converted into strength for her development by considering the womans basic needs and solicitudes about success and power in this regard. Women are involved in role conflict part icularly in the field of work and after marriage. Regarding rural development in India, out of 79% female work in agriculture, 46% are agricultural laborers, 33% are cultivators, and 5% are industrial workers. In Himaachal Pradash- a rural state, women know every task regarding the field of agriculture and livestock, despite of domestic work. According to 1981 census, 91.3%, out of total working women are agriculture workers against 63.3% of males in the state. Rural development is concerned with multi-sectorial programs like agriculture dependent upon industrial activities, transportation, commercialization, infrastructure, health and education services. According to world economic profile, women are 50% of the population, out of which official labor force is 30% and those women utilize 60% working hours and receive 10% world income. In Asia, there are a high proportion of women in agriculture. Regarding some determinants of women development, it was mentioned that on the second ha lf of 20th century, first, UN Declaration on Women rights, adopted on 7th Nov, 1967, mentioned appropriate measures for women rights in Article 1-11. Second, World Conference on International Womens Year in Mexico City on June 1975 issued a world plan of action and focused on human role of women. Some other factors like education, female health status and female economic participation as a determinant of social development as in India female literacy rate is 24.8% against the male literacy rate which is 46.89%. ICDS (Integrated Child Development Services) provides additional nutrition, health check-up, medication of minor illness, immunization, nutrition and health education to women and supportive services like water supply and sanitation. Asia- Pacific region is also multiform in terms of womens role in the economy because development and womenlabour participation are based on the overall female economic activity rates. As well as the participation in modern sector naturally incre ases with economic development. In India, 90% of women belong to agriculture life so future development of Indian womanhood must be examined in terms of village women. There is need for new cadre of women ICS and their inclusion in local panchayts. The topic women and development has been discussed at several gatherings within UN at conferences of non-aligned countries, governmental and non-governmental meetings. At ministerial conference of non-aligned countries in Lima in August 1975, the ministries of these countries programmed on Mutual Assistance and Solidarity repeated that full development of developing nations require maximum participation of women and men in all spheres of national activity. NIEO (New International Economic Order)s cornerstone is the participation of women along with men in the development of country is indispensable for successful development. UN decade for women has facilitated the identification and overcoming the impediments to integrate women in societ y, resulted in the wastage of human resources needed for development. The areas for specific action aimed at the advancement of women are employment, education, health, food, water, agriculture, industry, trade and commercial services, science and technology, communications, housing settlement, community development and transport, energy and environment. There are most commonly used sources of energy utilized by women but the sources like coal, oil, gas, hydropower and bio-gas are commonly used in industries so the users can not be easily distinguished by gender. Participation of women in energy conservation requires education, training and consumer information in the field of energy. Self-reliance as a development strategy, treat women as an integral part of overall development. Technical (TCDC) and economic (ECDC) cooperation in developing countries should aim at reaching the largest number of social groups like women and youth in rural and urban populations equally. By critically analyzing, in the past, women were treated as mere slaves. Though, India is changing politically, economically and socially, at a swift pace. The condition of women is also changing, as they have begun to take their due place in free India by educating themselves, inducing the right of voting and heartedly participating in country development. In 2010 March 9, one day after International Womens day, Rajyasabha passed Womens Reservation Bill, ensuring 33% reservation to women in Parliament and state legislative bodies. In modern India, women have adorned high offices including that of the President, Prime minister, Speaker of the Lok Sabha and Leader of Opposition, etc. The current President of India is a woman. In the last five years, the Government of India made amendments in law and formed a ministry of social and womens welfare in 1985, while, Article 14 of the constitution emphasis on the discrimination of gender. In Himachal Pradash, there are a number of welfare organizations besides Manila Mandals is working for the elevation of women in state while other departments are also working for the women development like health, social welfare and family welfare. Regarding ICDS influence, there is decline in malnutrition from 19.1% in 1976 to 7.8% in 1983 and mortality from 15% to 3%. All India Spinners Associations cottage industry gave new life to millions of female workers. Collective self-reliance encourages the transformation of womens position in the world, so that it can become an integral part of each countrys long term development strategy. There is a high rate of womens participation and other stakeholders (e.g. Ministry of Gender, Youth and Community Services) during program formulation. The last few decades have seen a mushroom growth of organizations struggling for women to get their dues, but, how far has this helped in the improvement of the status of women in the home, in society, in office or in the country as a whole, is still a debatable is sue. Gender training is still very weak, while, regarding the cultural values; women tend to be shy during group meetings. Women have no access to modern machines and other technology. In any program formulation, there is a lack of gender considerations, untrained staff in gender analysis skills, gender-blind budget, and weak business skills among women. All Indian Kisan Movement and All Indian Ryots Association are improving human conditions but few female join them. Muslim womens legal position is better than Indian ones in terms of right to inheritance, divorce, marriage and religious education. For the establishment of NIEO, policy of economic independence and collective self-reliance is necessary because lack of progress in NIEO establishment requires that greater attention is paid to the collective efforts and cooperation of non aligned and developing countries. There is no strict implementation of certainty about the right abuses of women. The National Crime Records Bureau re ported in 1998 that the growth rate of crimes against women would be higher than the population growth rate by 2010. Earlier, many cases were not registered with the police due to the social stigma attached to rape and molestation cases. Distracted from other areas such as womens low socio-economic status, labor market inequalities and legal bias, literacy programs are a relatively inexpensive and politically expedient palliative in their present form. While, 80% rural and urban females in India receive little medical care, so there is a need to strengthen professional and health education to face challenge of promoting female health. In conclusion, in a developed nation, female education is imperative for their self-sufficiency. For the rural development, a national perspective plan for the rural women and fighting discrimination will improve the social and economic status of women. In accordance with the social policy in public and private sectors, society is not supposed to explo it the dual role of women but acknowledge it as a contributor to socio-economic perspective. South Asian countries showing a lower level of female participation in non agriculture sector as compared to other countries at the same level of per capita GDP. This pattern of increase does not imply gender equity in the work place or in earnings. The availability of disaggregated information on the training and employment of women in energy related fields just like in US would enable planners and decision makers to formulate better strategies for energy supply and development. According to most of the governments, prejudicial attitudes towards women are fundamental obstacles towards the integration of women in national and international life. The role of educational planning, raising the level of skills and directing aspirations of both men and women is necessary for a developing nation.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Marriage in Vanity Fair Essays -- Vanity Fair Essays
Marriage in Vanity Fair  Many of the characters in "Vanity Fair" are married from the start of the novel, or are betrothed during the novel. The reasons behind the marriage vary from character to character - even within relationships. While some may have love in mind, it is the temptation of money and social status that encourages others to walk down the aisle. The perspectives on marriage also depend on the position in the relationship. Mothers and fathers sometimes have more economic ideals while their children are in love, or even have no regard for each another at all. The protagonist of the novel, Becky Sharp, laments not having a mother to whom she could leave the arduous task of finding a fiancà ©. Little is said of the relationship between Becky's parents. Her father was an artist and her mother a French opera dancer. It is unlikely that, as she was orphaned at a young age, Becky was greatly affected in any way by her parents' relationship. Perhaps indirectly, she felt that because she was an orphan, her impact on society had to be all the more memorable and successful. Before so much as being introduced to a portrait of her friend Amelia's brother, Becky is reasoning with herself, "If Mr. Joseph Sedley is rich and unmarried, why should I not marry him?" Although Becky sees an opportunity to join the Sedley family, initially of some standing in society, Jos's behaviour is not exemplary for a young gentlemen. Before his drunken behaviour at Vauxhall, he allows Becky to eat a hot chili; an example of how he does not see the pursuit of matrimony as a worthwhile occupation; not a pastime that concerns him, although he appreciates the attention that Miss Sharp pays him. Sir Pitt Crawley has a similar lack of appre... ...s desire for advancement in society and wealth attempts to start that relationship, it is Becky's similar motivations that are responsible for her relationship with Lord Steyne. She considers him to simply be another step up the ladder of society. However, he is inadvertently a clue to what else Becky expects from a relationship. when Rawdon attacks Steyne on his arrival back home, Becky admires Rawdon's physical strength. Again, this is a more material aspect of a relationship. The ideals behind marriage differ, often between generations. While parents can see economic and social gain, a situation such as with George and Amelia causes problems when the parents' meddling results in the children falling in love. Becky Sharp's use for marriage seems only to be self-advancement. When a relationship ends, her regrets are based on what she has lost, rather than who. Â
Sunday, August 18, 2019
The Illegal Bushmeat Trade :: essays research papers
The second half of the 20th century has seen the continent of Africa in continuous turmoil. Civil wars, the AIDS epidemic, deforestation, and desertification are just a few of the problems facing Africa. A more recent threat to this ancient and fragile environment has emerged and is quickly gaining strength at devouring life – the bush meat trade. â€Å"Bush meat†refers to the smoked carcasses of various wild, and often endangered species that are sold illegally at rural markets of undeveloped countries and even at ethnic markets in developed nations. The meat of gorillas, chimpanzees, and elephants are considered delicacies and the demand for these endangered species is increasingly high. Countries at the center of this crisis are Botswana, Mozambique, Kenya, Zimbabwe, the Congo, Cameroon, Zambia, Malawi, and Tanzania. Bush meat plays a crucial socio-economic role to many in Africa, and as such epitomizes the need to balance protection against such factors as poverty, health, and food security. Certain key issues are necessary to understand the bush meat trade: 1. Bush meat is not purely a tropical forest-related phenomenon, but is Africa-wide and indeed a global problem. - Bush meat utilization is a significant conservation, economic, and cultural issue in non-forested areas of eastern and southern Africa - Bush meat is regarded as one of the most beneficial wildlife resources available to local communities. Demand is high and is increasing at alarming rates 2. Bush meat crucial as a source of cheap protein for malnourished people throughout Africa - Over 90% of rural peoples in Central Africa eat less than half of the recommended protein intake 3. With growing populations, demand for bush meat will continue to grow 4. Poverty in the face of diminishing alternative resources, means that traditional taboos restricting the consumption of certain animals is increasingly ignored -Some claim that since we humans are 97% related genetically to chimps and gorillas that eating them is tantamount to cannibalism 5. Even though subsistence use of bush meat still predominates over most areas of eastern and southern Africa, an emerging trend of increased commercial trade is evident - Bush meat is making its way into Europe in large quantities and is even found in ethnic markets in the UK The core of the problem appears to be logging. Logging companies build roads to previously inaccessible areas making contact to bush meat much easier. Some companies actually hire employees to buy the meat, while others supply hunters with guns and ammunition and even transport the catch between forests and markets.
Japanese Yen :: Essays Papers
Japanese Yen The Japanese Yen When Richard Nixon suspended the convertibility of US dollars to gold in 1972, the fixed rate between the dollar and the yen was exchanged for a floating rate. The international value of the yen rose sharply and is today one of the most attractive currencies on the market as it directs the world's second largest economy. The yen is controlled by a central bank known as the Bank of Japan or BOJ. This central bank is under the supervision of the Minister of Finance. Over the past decade, the yen has fluctuated greatly. From early 1990 through mid 1995, the yen doubled in value from 160/$ down to 80/$. From 1995-1998, the yen lost value and was back up in the 140's/$. The trend in the past year has been a steady increase in value for the yen. Over the past six months, the yen has fluctuated. From April through mid-July, the yen floated between 124/$ and 118/$. Since then it has increased in value falling to the area of 105/$. On Friday September 24, the closing rate on the yen was 104.24/$. Over this next week, the yen rose to a close of 105.0000/$. This means that the yen lost a little value in comparison to the dollar. This slight fall is not representative of what is going on with the yen however. Over the past few months, investors have put money into Japanese stocks. The government is putting pressure on the BOJ to increase the yen supply in order to stave off inflation and curb long-term interest rates. This pressure came after a G-7 meeting in which the members suggested that Japan do something to weaken the yen. Prices and wages are falling and output is below Japanese productive potential. Despite these factors, the BOJ is hesitant about responding because it is concerned that expanding the yen supply will cause inflation. Last week, Japanese companies were becoming more optimistic about economic growth. The BOJ didn't take in cash from money markets on Sept. 30, leaving in twice the normal sur plus, so traders felt that the BOJ would follow the idea of expanding the yen supply. The BOJ is conducting a survey on Monday Oct. 4 to see how optimistic business sentiment is as the economy tries to rebound. The yen could rise this next week to its highest level since that 1995 value of 80/$.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Ethical Dilemma in Hrm
A business can only be sustainable for long term, if it’s practicing ethically. Sustainable businesses are those businesses which are able to make profit for its share holder and provide good employment opportunities for its staff. Similarly sustainable businesses are ones which pay taxes to governments of countries in which it exist. Beside this sustainable businesses are also responsible to contribute to community in which operate. In a perfect world, businesses and their employees would always do the right thing. Unfortunately, in the real world, ethical dilemmas are a common occurrence in the workplace.According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, dilemmas are situations or problems where a person has to make a difficult choice; an ethical dilemma is a problem where a person has to choose between a moral and an immoral act. Employees must deal with pressures to perform and help the company succeed as well as personal temptations to take the easy way out. In the end, workers will likely face many dilemmas in their careers; companies should provide training and information to assist them in making the right decision. Nike has been accused of using child labor in the production of its soccer balls in Pakistan. Read also â€Å"Glengarry Glen Ross† by David MametThis case study will examine the claims and describe the industry and its impact on laborers and their working conditions. While Pakistan has laws against child labor and slavery, the government has taken very little action to combat it. Only a boycott by the United States and other nations will have any impact on slavery and child-based industries. Futhermore the U. S constitution states that child labor is an illegal and inhumane practice and any U. S. company found guilty practicing and encouraging it will be prosecuted.GATT and WTO prohibits member nations, like the United States, from discriminating against the importation of goods made by children. Are dolphins becoming more important than children? A question making WTO to reconsider the children's appeal of the third world. akistan has a per-capita income of $1,900 per year -meaning that a typical person survives barely on $5 per day. And that's nonot all, Pakistan has a traditional culture where earning of one person goes on feeding 10 mouths; and with the high rate of inflation it becomes difficult for a low income population to survive.Child labor is spread all over Pakistan but has the greatest impact in the north-west of punjab province, that is Sialkot. Pakistan has a population of approximately 1 million and is an important centre for the production of goods for export to international markets, particularly sporting goods. In 1994, exports from Sialkot brought income of almost US$ 385 million into the Pakistan economy. Sialkot is thus one of the world’s most important centres for production of sporting goods. Child labor exists in Sialkot both in the export sector and the domestic sector.This fact has been well documented and reported by the international media for several years but nothing has been done about it. In Pakistan it is clearly documented that child labor is against the law, but the government carries lack of willingness to do anything about it. Provision for education is very limited, due to the fact that very low priority is given to education in the national budgets. Education receives around 3% of the total gross domestic product when compared to over ten times of this amount spent on military.Gender and other forms of discrmination plus adding to the lack of political will, gives the clear picture of the existence of child labor in Pakistan. ecently if you go to a shop to buy your child a new soccer ball. There is a good possibility that the ball has been made by someone your child's age or even younger. About half of the world's soccer ball are made in Pakistan, and each one of them passes through a process of production where child labor is involved. This problem not only pertains to Pakistan but is worldwide. More than 200 children, some as young as 4 and 5 years of age, are involved in the production line.Majority of these children work in Asia, e. g in the nations of India, Pa kistan, Bangladesh and Indonesia. Nike is characterized of making its equipments in countries which are in the developing phase, having very cheap labor, authoritarian government and lack of human rights appeal and union movement. In doing this it has made greater margins on the cost of mere cents to its workers. So Nike success story is not based on good name and advertising alone but also attached to it is the tears of tortured workers and child labor.A columnist ‘Stephen Chapman' from Libertarian newspaper argues that â€Å"But why is it unconscionable for a poor country to allow child labor? Pakistan has a per-capita income of $1,900 per year – meaning that the typical person subsists on barely $5 per day. Is it a a revelation – or a crime – that some parents willingly send their children off to work in a factory to survive? Is it cruel for Nike to give them the chance? † (source: http://www. raincity. com/~williamf/words96. html) St ephen argues that the best way to end child-labor is to buy more of the products that children produce.This would increase their demand, and as they will produce more, they will earn more, hence giving themselves chane to rise above poverty level and thus also benefiting the families of the children and as well as the nation. However, the issue is not that simple. Increasing the demand of the products produced by child labor means encouraging more child labor, encouraging more birth rates, more slavery, increasing sweatshops and discouraging education – as parents of the children working in factories would want them to work more and earn more.If this happened to be the case, then more and more children will be bought and sold on the black market, leading no end to this problem. By encouraging more child labor, you are not only taking away those innocent years from them but also the right to be educated and the right to be free. Nike – a good chess player As a good ches s player Nike always thinks ahead of its movement. It does not launch its production directly in to the developing country, such as Pakistan, but instead it subcontracts it to them by selecting a local firm.When doing this, the local firm, in this case SAGA sports, has to abide by the Nike's international rules and regulations when producing its goods. And it is the duty of the international firm (NIKE) to monitor its subcontracted production units and hold it to tight scrutuny. But this is not what really happens. Both Nike and the local production company aims to minimize cost and earn the highest amounts of profit thus involving themselves in illegal practices, such as child labor, a practice which is not so highlighted by the government of the host developing country.So what happens when you question Nike about its labor practices? An answer comes that it is not they who are involved in this illegal labor practices but it is the local subcontracter who is doing s o. This is wrong to say as Nike and SAGA sports both benefits with access to cheap child labor in Pakistan. And if Nike cannot control its subcontracted plants, it means they have not implemented their rules and regulations effectively and is not abiding by the international standards which they have set for themselves. Nike's entrance in to the Pakistani markets was the part of its long term strategic planning.It is false to explain that Nike didn't knew that child labor is an ages-old practice in Pakistan. Nike went into Pakistan, having full knowledge of the favorable conditions prevailing in terms of child labor and has taken no precautions whatsoever to prevent the use of child labor in the production of its soccer balls. Instead Nike has made a profit from its Pakistani contractors who inturn has used bonded child labor in the production process. Critically analyzing the situation, â€Å"Why Nike always land up in places having cheap or bonded labors or in places where it can easily get away with illegal labor practices? Examples incude: Vietnam, China, Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh and India. Nike simply bases its operations on finding the lowest-cost labor to make its products. Twelve-year-old girls work in Indonesian sweatshops 70 hours a week making Nike shoes in unhealthy plants. According to a Foulball campaign report, Nike has refused twice to have a check in their Saga-managed center in Pakistan while on the other hand Nike's rival Reebok readily granted access to its Moltex-managed center in Pakistan. Nike has the habit of hiding behind its good public image and its effective means of promotions and advertising.Nike attempts to create a good public image by offering charity, donating equipments and never passing an opportunity to remind the public that it has set up stitching centers in places such as Sialkot, Pakistan. How it all started – Consumer awareness 1996 When the June, 1996 issue of Life magazine carried an article about chil d labor in Pakistan, Nike knew that it was in trouble. The article's lead photograph showed 12-year-old Tariq surrounded by the pieces of a Nike soccer ball which he would spend most of a day stitching together for the grand sum of 60 cents.In a matter of weeks, activists all across Canada and the United States were standing in front of Nike outlets, holding up Tariq's photo. And yet, Nike has not done an especially good job of scrutinizing the subcontractors with which it's working. Nor has it been open about its labor practices in the way public companies should be expected to be. Cameramen have been pushed out of factory floors. Supervisors at a plant in Vietnam apparently beat workers being paid 20 cents an hour and refused to allow them to leave their work posts. Indonesian labor organizers has been put behind bars.And, most troubling, nearly all the soccer balls made in Pakistan have been revealed to be made by young children getting paid just cents a day. Nike cha irman Phil Knight also acknowledged that a shipment of soccer balls Nike purchased in Pakistan in the year 1996 was made by a subcontractor using child labor in â€Å"horrible conditions. †Although 1996 was the first year in which real public attention was focused on Nike's labor practices abroad, it's important to recognize that manufacturing shoes in low-wage countries was, from the start, a crucial part of Phil Knight's plan for his company.In other words, American jobs have not been shipped abroad. On the contrary, Nike has never made shoes in the United States. Its first factories, built in the 1960s, were in Japan, when that country was still a part of the Third World. And since thirty years Nike have migrating from nation to nation, arriving as countries install the necessary mechanisms for orderly business operations and leaving as living standards become too high to make manufacturing profitable. Nike â€Å"not Just do it but Do it right. â€Å"This i s the first time that Nike has had to face real questions about its labor practices abroad, the first time that it has felt a public-relations impact. At this point, that impact does not seem at all devastating. While in the short run Americans are generally horrified by the issue of child labor and has expressed concern over the working conditions in foreign factories, Nike should take immediate actions in order to provide remedy to all the activism it faces, otherwise it can prove devastating for the company's image in the long run. The basic truth about Nike is that its only real strength is its good name.Nike rules because of all the good things people associate with the company: sharp ads, Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, little Penny, and Michael Jordan again. If â€Å"beaten workers†and â€Å"child labor†get added to that list, then Nike's greatest asset will be lost. Now the burden is on the company both to do a better job of implementing company-wide global standards of conduct and also to improve its openness to the media. The more you hide, after all, the more people think you have something to hide. Every hand that goes up, hurts Nike in the public eye. And when you're a consumer company, that's the only eye that matters.Consumers  â€Å"Just don't do it. †dership by example: The CEO of Nike and the senior managers of the company need to be openly and strong committed to the social responsibility and ethical conduct. They must give constant leadership in renewing the ethical values and the social responsibility of the company. The management must be active in communicating about the company’s commitment in the speeches, directives, company publications and especially in actions too. The CEO along with the company’s managers is the ones that set the tone of the organization most clearly by their behavior.Code of ethics: Code of ethics state that the values or behaviors that are expected and those that wi ll not be tolerated backed up by management’s actions. (Schuler & Jackson,  2007)   Ethical structures: ethical structure actually represents the various systems, positions and programs that a company can undertake to implement a social effort and ethical behavior. An ethics committee is a group of executives under the CEO to oversee the company’s ethics and CSR efforts, for example, the Nike committee that conducts corporate social responsibility efforts.Whistle blowing: employee disclosure of illegal, immoral or illegitimate practices on the employer’s part is called whistle blowing. No organization like Nike can rely only on codes of conduct to prevent such kinds of behavior. When there are no effective protective measures, whistle blowers suffer and the company may continue its unethical or illegal activities. The CEO and the management of Nike should make sure that the managers are trained well so that they view whistle blowing as a benefit and n ot a threat. (Schuler & Jackson,  2007)
Friday, August 16, 2019
Personal Nursing Philosophy Essay
We often hear that nursing is an art and a science, and I firmly believe that. The way a nurse blends those aspects of care defines the nurse. As nurses, our roles in our patients’ lives vary depending on their needs. We are teachers as well as technical experts, and our ultimate goal is to ensure our patients and families are ready to take over when the patient no longer requires our care. Why I Chose Nursing I have known that I wanted to work with children since I was a young child myself. Before the age of ten, I thought I might be a teacher. As I enjoyed math and science, several of my aunts, nurses themselves, encouraged me to consider nursing. As a sibling of a disabled child, I was probably exposed to more medical knowledge than average, and I took my first CPR class when I was eight years old. I liked the nurses and therapists that worked with my sister, but I also had respect for the teachers that worked so tirelessly with her. I can pinpoint the moment I decided that nursing was for me, though it was a long time before I could act on that decision. My sister had contracted hepatitis A at school. That lowered her seizure threshold enough that she ended up in the intensive care unit. As it was winter, I was not allowed to visit her. At ten, I didn’t understand the concept of RSV restrictions. I only knew that she’d been hospitalized many times and I’d always been allowed at her bedside. Somehow I interpreted that to mean she must be dying, and no one wanted to tell me. I was in the waiting room outside the ICU while my mother was in with my sister, crying my heart out. A nurse walking by stopped to ask me what was wrong, and I spilled out my fears to her. She escorted my into the unit, telling me that she was going to find a supervisor to see if she could get permission for me to visit my sister. In the meantime, there was a room where I could wait for her†¦. which turned out to be my sister’s room. After failing to get permission for me to visit, the nurse returned to escort me back to the waiting room. Before we left, she took the time to explain the monitors and what they meant, and went over my sister’s plan of care and discharge criteria with me. Hugely reassured, I was content to wait in the waiting room. More than thirty years later, that nurse’s compassion still sticks with me. The Core of Nursing If compassion is at the heart of nursing, knowledge and skill must be its head and hands. Since the earliest days of nursing, the patient’s environment has been a consideration in their care. Florence Nightingale’s theory that hydration, nutrition, rest, and a clean environment were necessary to healing (Black, 2007) is a basic principle of nursing today. The world has changed since then, and nursing has changed with it. With every technological advance or new treatment modality, nurses have been called upon to be more than caretakers. It requires skilled hands to provide the treatments our patients need. Throughout a patient’s stay, teaching is a primary responsibility of the nurse. Patients cannot make informed decisions on their care without adequate information. Whether teaching the relatively simple task of taking medications, or the more complex management of a chronic condition, it is a nurse’s duty to make sure the patient and family are trained and prepared to assume care once the patient goes home. The teaching required necessarily varies from patient to patient, and often from day to day in the same patient as he or she moves on the continuum between health and illness. Finally, patients need to be able to count on nurses to be authorities in their field. Nurses must be accountable for remaining competent in their practice, and for continuing their education throughout their career (Killeen & Saewert, 2007). Beliefs and Values Patients have needs unrelated to their illness or injury. Having spent my entire career in pediatrics, often my focus is on developmental needs and what activities can be provided that support normal development. Some needs, however, seem to be universal. The need for play, learning, and social contact are not restricted to children. Meeting the emotional and psychosocial needs of the patient without compromising the physical needs demanded by the illness or injury is occasionally a delicate balancing act, and is where the art of nursing meets the science of nursing. By collaborating with our patients and families and respecting their values, a plan can be reached that both supports their needs and involves them in their own care. From a pediatric perspective, the family is an integral part of the healthcare team. Parents are the primary ally and resource in providing individualized care for their child. Even in adult patients, who they are is impacted by the relationships that they have. Serious or chronic illnesses and injuries affect the entire family. The family, then, becomes the patient, particularly when it is necessary to make lifestyle changes. I have been fortunate enough to work in a teaching hospital for over a decade, on a unit that has a strong sense of teamwork. I have watched residents grow from unsure medical students to capable attending physicians, and have been gratified to precept and mentor new nurses into colleagues that can be relied on. Through we have a varied mix of skill levels, values, and talents, as a team we manage to form a cohesive whole. I count on my nurses to provide outstanding care to their patients, to hold themselves and each other accountable for maintaining high standards, and to support each other as needed. I also count on them for holding me accountable when the minutia of providing care for patients or my nurses gets in the way of my seeing the big picture. In my own life, it has taken me a long while to take charge of my health. I am currently working hard to quit smoking, and have recently lost fifty of the extra sixty or so pounds I’ve been carrying. Like a lot of nurses, I put off preventative care, and wait too long before seeing a physician when I need to. This disconnect between my professional values and my personal behavior baffles me. I cannot expect my patients and families to view me as an authority on health if I am unhealthy. This year has been one of trying to bring my own lifestyle into line with my beliefs. Vision for the Future In two years, I will have completed my BSN. At that point, I want to take a clinical instructor position while I pursue my MSN. I seem to have come full circle in what I want to be when I grow up, and combining my love of nursing with my love of teaching seems to be the best of both worlds. In five years, I hope to have completed my MSN. By that time I will have been a clinical instructor for long enough to know if I want to translate that to the classroom or perhaps become a nurse educator in an acute setting. I know I love teaching new nurses in my current setting, however I’m unsure of whether I would enjoy teaching in an academic setting. In ten years, my goals are much more nebulous and largely depend on whether I have chosen to move to an academic setting or remain in acute care. In either setting, there are always things to learn and opportunities to explore. Someday, I would like to open a medical foster care facility, though I have doubts about that happening in that time frame. Summary The pursuit of my professional goals is a long-term plan. I enjoy learning, have the support of my family, and the path to my goals are clearly defined. I am detail oriented, and hope that will help me to reach my goals. As I continue on this path, each success will pave the way to the next. Time management is an obstacle in my path, as I am currently working two jobs and trying to take care of my family while pursuing my degree. I am still learning how to manage all the demands on my time without stretching myself too thin. In addition, I sometimes get bogged down in the details and lose sight of the big picture, and then tend to procrastinate until I find my way again. Fortunately deadlines are effective in making me take a step back and rethink my approach.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
HR †Selection Process Essay
Today, the human resource selection process plays a vital role in the production and performance value business receive by making good hires and the high costs of replacing employees following bad hires. This is especially true for small business. Now the human resource department takes on a more strategic role with hiring and selection. What is selection? Selection is the process of selecting a qualified person who can successfully do a job and deliver valuable contributions to the organization. The selection process is the strategically planned procedural approach created and implemented by organizations when recruiting and hiring new employees. This begins when jobs are posted internally and externally however in some cases recruiting tools are used to draw top-qualified candidates for important jobs. Screening tools, such as applications, tests, interviews, background investigations and reference checks are all used during this process. One area of the selection process that is significant and sometimes under-valued is the development of screening tools. The goal of selection is to employ the applicant who is the best possible match for the job duties which makes using the right selection tools and developing them effectively crucial. Thorough job analysis assists HR professionals better align selection tools with the job. In addition to locating the best hire, cost efficiency and legal concerns are two main reasons why the HR selection process is so important. When companies make a bad hire, they pay to train and orient a person who ultimately may cause more harm than good if he performs poorly and negatively affects the workplace. The costs to replace a bad hire are astronomical in many industries. A Society Human Resource Management study showed that even an $8 an hour retail employee can cost up to $3,500 to replace because of the hiring, administrative and training costs involved. When hiring an employee it is important to find the right person because this will reduce turnover rates and save time and money in the long run. Many employers seek skills and characteristics in the applicant before they qualify for an interview. Some of these include: †¢ Self motivated individuals †¢ High tolerance for stress †¢ Positive attitude †¢ Good communication skills †¢ Ability to work as an individual and in a group †¢ Good problem solving skills These skills and characteristics are highly important because working in a call center is extremely stressful and routine. In addition, you are on the frontline representing the company yet you are unable to see the customer. You must keep a positive attitude and for that reason, your presentation over the phone is vital. Since the job is based on communication through the phone, a good recruitment practice in the call center would include pre-screening telephone interviews to test out the applicants phone skills. Once a group of applicants are selected, they are scheduled for an interview with two call center managers or supervisors and Raj, the Human Resource Recruiter. During the first interview process, they are asked about their interests and career goals to get a general idea if they are fit for the job. During the second interview, questions are more in-depth regarding experience, what they can contribute to the company, and their skills. The third and final interview tests their problem-solving skills by giving them scenario questions regarding their job and their ability to share the same corporate culture with other staff members. In addition, a lot of call centers also use behavioural based tests and interviews that match skills and interests to the unique mix of products and services provided by the company. Another effective selection and recruitment method they use is the Employee Referral Program. The Employee Referral program offers a costeffective means of attracting applicants, avoiding the need for advertising or agency fees. Also, new recruits who have been recommended by existing employees often come to the company with more realistic expectations and can provide a better cultural fit. At, under an employee referral program, existing staff are offered a cash incentive ($1000) to recommend friends or former colleagues for vacancies within the company. The bonus payments are only made if the recommended candidate is successful in his or her application. The payments are also typically dependent on a number of other conditions being met. There is a three month probation period which new recruits must complete satisfactorily before the employees who recommended them are paid a bonus. However, there are a number of potential drawbacks. One of the greatest concerns tends to be that relying too heavily on employee referrals could limit diversity in the workplace, with new staff recruited in the likeness of existing employees. But, provided that there is already a diverse workforce in place this ceases to be such an issue. It is a good idea to keep track your hiring methods to see if they are actually working in hiring the right person. If methods start to become ineffective, you can test out some new recruiting methods that may work for your call center.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Mini Paper
Advance Practice Nursing Jake Freeman University of SST. Francis Abstract This paper primarily explores the article from the Journal of Nursing called â€Å"Demographic Profiles of Certified Nurse-Midwives, Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists, and Nurse Practitioners: Reflections on Implications for Uniform Education and Regulation†. It will also include insight from other resources in support to the information provided by the article preceding.The article will be summarized in regards to Advanced Practice Nursing (PAN) work history within the ultra of nursing and whether or not the Pan's should be mandated to further their education to the doctorate level in order to maintain there positions as Pan's. The paper will also provide a brief analysis by the author in regard to the quality of the paper's content. Keywords: advanced practice nursing, DEN, history of, history, clinical nurse specialist In Summary a Brief History of Advance Practice Nursing Nursing practice has e xpanded exponentially especially in the last 10 years.With aggressive legislation from our nursing leaders, respect, reimbursements, and the right to well deserved leadership has come forth. Although for many of us nurses it may seem as though many of these breakthroughs have spontaneously emerged, yet with a little respect to our roots we need to realize this emergence has been transforming nursing society since the sass's. The recent chaos and disorientation in health care has rendered an opportunity for nurses to take what is theirs, and that is leadership in healthcare.Preventative care has always been a forte of nursing and now it's a realization that it is the best approach to health care today, and that is why we are the leaders. Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists are the pioneers of advance practice nursing as evidenced by the first formal education in 1909 at SST. Vincent Hospital in Portland, OR and have roots dating back to the Civil War while caring for the wounded and administering medicine like ether in the battlefields.Nurse Midwives shortly there after developed formal education in 1932 at the Maternity Center Association in New York and have roots dating back to the times of biblical writings. In 1965 the first formal Nurse Practitioner program was developed at the University of Colorado in collaboration with a physician Dry. Henry Silver and Registered Nurse Loretta Ford. Clinical Specialists devised a program of formal education at Rutgers University in 1954 (Englander et al. , 2006). As you can see advance practice nursing has came a long way and has overcome an insurmountable amount of hurdles.In the Journal of Professional Nursing a study was conducted by Sips, Fullerton, and Schilling (2009) which consisted of a sample survey and was designed to determine 6 categories of gathered information in regards to gender and race, age and years experience, education, employment, practice privileges, and salary. In the article the author aggr essively directs to the possible fact that â€Å"men Leary indicate that they chose nursing because they expected a good salary' (p. 182) and that there was a good possibility that they were inclined to choose nursing to empower themselves rather than their patients.Based on the quality of the study and the amount of professionals that actually participated this finding could be considered loosely based and also offensive to men of the profession. On a more refreshing note it was encouraging to see that Naps have the highest amount of ethnic diversity among the three PAN groups. This will highly contribute to collaboration between Pan's to provide a better understanding of culturally impotent care. Sacra's have longevity in experience, where as Naps are the youngsters of advanced practice, yet will be the largest entity of advanced practice nurses shortly in the future.Currently employment greatly consists of a physician- based practice, although this statistic will most likely cha nge as well in the near future. Unfortunately the study of demographics of the 3 groups of Pan's is loosely associated to the need for Pan's to advance their practice to the doctoral level. There where references to the concern of collegiate faculty and the necessity of doctoral repaper professors to teach doctoral prepared course work. This was in regards to the question whether or not we have enough DEN prepared nurses out there to teach to the masses that might be interested in furthering their credentials.In the time of when the article was written it was reported that there was a drop off of students studying for their PhD. Presently there will be no mandate for a Doctorate in 2015. In this paragraph we will discuss some issues that might have some more relevance to the question of whether or not we need to mandate Naps to DEN status. In the book Advanced Practice Nursing Jansen et al. 2010) makes an empowering statement reminding us of how some or our greatest attributes for e xample: modesty of our clinical skills have actually hindered some of our potential for growth.This example is finely expressed in this statement â€Å"Given the history, philosophy, and values, the concept of power holds ambivalence for many nurses, even Pan's†(p. 80). This statement makes a good realization of maybe how ill adapted we are as nurses coming into a position of such responsibility, which requires the understanding of how to properly utilize power. Instead of concerning ourselves with whether or not he DEN should be mandated maybe nurses need to learn how to harness their currently new development of high stature as autonomous providers.Our undistinguished and unparalleled ethics ironically have provided us with another hurdle that will be easily overcome in the near future as do any hurdles for nursing. Pan's are also in the midst of becoming autonomous in the politics of business and legal aspects of nursing which can be significantly foreign to many new Pan' s Suppers (2015). Not only recently hurdles in politics within nursing have been overcome such as the identity crisis of Can's and attempting to maintain a niche in he nursing profession.While Naps advance into the spotlight due to demand of needed providers that have privileges, Can's struggle to maintain position Cur (1996). In summary it's evident that Pan's still have continued hurdles, yet their achievements come from centuries of hard work from our forefathers that pioneered the practice. In recent times it's evident that the path paved by our forefathers will enable Pan's to evolve into the highest entity of health care. This is a new and exciting perspective of conceptualizing Pan's instead of physicians controlling the direction of health care, but it is now a reality. Mini Paper Advance Practice Nursing Jake Freeman University of SST. Francis Abstract This paper primarily explores the article from the Journal of Nursing called â€Å"Demographic Profiles of Certified Nurse-Midwives, Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists, and Nurse Practitioners: Reflections on Implications for Uniform Education and Regulation†. It will also include insight from other resources in support to the information provided by the article preceding.The article will be summarized in regards to Advanced Practice Nursing (PAN) work history within the ultra of nursing and whether or not the Pan's should be mandated to further their education to the doctorate level in order to maintain there positions as Pan's. The paper will also provide a brief analysis by the author in regard to the quality of the paper's content. Keywords: advanced practice nursing, DEN, history of, history, clinical nurse specialist In Summary a Brief History of Advance Practice Nursing Nursing practice has e xpanded exponentially especially in the last 10 years.With aggressive legislation from our nursing leaders, respect, reimbursements, and the right to well deserved leadership has come forth. Although for many of us nurses it may seem as though many of these breakthroughs have spontaneously emerged, yet with a little respect to our roots we need to realize this emergence has been transforming nursing society since the sass's. The recent chaos and disorientation in health care has rendered an opportunity for nurses to take what is theirs, and that is leadership in healthcare.Preventative care has always been a forte of nursing and now it's a realization that it is the best approach to health care today, and that is why we are the leaders. Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists are the pioneers of advance practice nursing as evidenced by the first formal education in 1909 at SST. Vincent Hospital in Portland, OR and have roots dating back to the Civil War while caring for the wounded and administering medicine like ether in the battlefields.Nurse Midwives shortly there after developed formal education in 1932 at the Maternity Center Association in New York and have roots dating back to the times of biblical writings. In 1965 the first formal Nurse Practitioner program was developed at the University of Colorado in collaboration with a physician Dry. Henry Silver and Registered Nurse Loretta Ford. Clinical Specialists devised a program of formal education at Rutgers University in 1954 (Englander et al. , 2006). As you can see advance practice nursing has came a long way and has overcome an insurmountable amount of hurdles.In the Journal of Professional Nursing a study was conducted by Sips, Fullerton, and Schilling (2009) which consisted of a sample survey and was designed to determine 6 categories of gathered information in regards to gender and race, age and years experience, education, employment, practice privileges, and salary. In the article the author aggr essively directs to the possible fact that â€Å"men Leary indicate that they chose nursing because they expected a good salary' (p. 182) and that there was a good possibility that they were inclined to choose nursing to empower themselves rather than their patients.Based on the quality of the study and the amount of professionals that actually participated this finding could be considered loosely based and also offensive to men of the profession. On a more refreshing note it was encouraging to see that Naps have the highest amount of ethnic diversity among the three PAN groups. This will highly contribute to collaboration between Pan's to provide a better understanding of culturally impotent care. Sacra's have longevity in experience, where as Naps are the youngsters of advanced practice, yet will be the largest entity of advanced practice nurses shortly in the future.Currently employment greatly consists of a physician- based practice, although this statistic will most likely cha nge as well in the near future. Unfortunately the study of demographics of the 3 groups of Pan's is loosely associated to the need for Pan's to advance their practice to the doctoral level. There where references to the concern of collegiate faculty and the necessity of doctoral repaper professors to teach doctoral prepared course work. This was in regards to the question whether or not we have enough DEN prepared nurses out there to teach to the masses that might be interested in furthering their credentials.In the time of when the article was written it was reported that there was a drop off of students studying for their PhD. Presently there will be no mandate for a Doctorate in 2015. In this paragraph we will discuss some issues that might have some more relevance to the question of whether or not we need to mandate Naps to DEN status. In the book Advanced Practice Nursing Jansen et al. 2010) makes an empowering statement reminding us of how some or our greatest attributes for e xample: modesty of our clinical skills have actually hindered some of our potential for growth.This example is finely expressed in this statement â€Å"Given the history, philosophy, and values, the concept of power holds ambivalence for many nurses, even Pan's†(p. 80). This statement makes a good realization of maybe how ill adapted we are as nurses coming into a position of such responsibility, which requires the understanding of how to properly utilize power. Instead of concerning ourselves with whether or not he DEN should be mandated maybe nurses need to learn how to harness their currently new development of high stature as autonomous providers.Our undistinguished and unparalleled ethics ironically have provided us with another hurdle that will be easily overcome in the near future as do any hurdles for nursing. Pan's are also in the midst of becoming autonomous in the politics of business and legal aspects of nursing which can be significantly foreign to many new Pan' s Suppers (2015). Not only recently hurdles in politics within nursing have been overcome such as the identity crisis of Can's and attempting to maintain a niche in he nursing profession.While Naps advance into the spotlight due to demand of needed providers that have privileges, Can's struggle to maintain position Cur (1996). In summary it's evident that Pan's still have continued hurdles, yet their achievements come from centuries of hard work from our forefathers that pioneered the practice. In recent times it's evident that the path paved by our forefathers will enable Pan's to evolve into the highest entity of health care. This is a new and exciting perspective of conceptualizing Pan's instead of physicians controlling the direction of health care, but it is now a reality.
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